Family Day Update


Salam members and friends,

We are pleased to announce exciting updates for the Family Day event which will be held at the El Dorado Park West Senior Center, 2800 N Studebaker Rd, Long Beach, CA 90815:

MIFNA Bazaar:
Calling for ‘vendors’ to participate in this bazaar.  For a nominal donation of $25, you can secure a table at the bazaar to sell your food or non-food items (such as spices, clothes, or accessories).  We hope to get a variety of food and lunch packs at reasonable prices so our members can taste and test a variety of food.  The menu for the lunch packs will be announced ~2 weeks before the event so members can make their selection and pre-order for pick-up on Family Day.
To register: contact Salina Farkas (MIFNA Director) at 310-701-1258

MIFNA Got Talent (MGT):
We are excited to organize MIFNA’s first-ever talent competition.  Got talent? Wanna show it off? Got a group or wanna go solo? Then join our MGT competition.  Limited to 15 participants (first 15 to register and pay the entry fee of $5/participant).  Maximum performance time of 5 minutes per participant.  So book your spot now for a chance at winning big cash prizes (see below) and a spot in the limelight.
1st prize:   $300
2nd prize:  $200
3rd prize:   $100
To register: contact Faiez Mazlan (MIFNA Director) at 626-376-8124

Raffle baskets/prizes:
There will be at least 10 raffle baskets/prizes planned for drawing at the event.  We are soliciting donations for raffle baskets and prizes.  Got a business or brand you want to promote? Gift a basket or a prize and raise the visibility of your business or brand.
To donate: contact Anizah Hairudin (MIFNA Treasurer) at 562-547-9954

Games and jumper:
There’ll be a jumper for kids and several booths for carnival games for everyone to play all day (11 am – 4 pm).
MIFNA’s signature watermelon eating contest is planned after the MGT competition.

Tentative program:
11:00 am: Set up
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm:   Welcome remarks and unveiling of the new MIFNA logo
2:00 pm:   MIFNA Got Talent Competition
3:30 pm:   Watermelon eating contest
4:00 pm:   Prize giving and raffle draw
5:00 pm:   Event ends

Thank you,
MIFNA Communications Team
Sept 20, 2022